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Elephant Island is a popular attraction to Antarctic tourists because of the historical experiences of Captain Shackleton of the Endurance and his 27-crew men. In January 1915, they were ship wrecked in the pack ice of Weddell Sea. Stranded on ice floes and three small boats from the Endurance they finally made it to Elephant Island. While the crew survived on seal and penguin meet, Captain Shackleton took 5 crewmembers with him to the island of South Georgia where he and one other crewmember hiked 36 hours across South Georgia to the whaling station on the opposite side. From there Shackleton borrowed a tugboat to mount a rescue of his men on the opposite side of South Georgia Island and on Elephant Island. After four more months and three failed attempts, Shackleton was finally able to illustrate a Captains loyalty to his crew on August 30, 1916. Not a crewman was lost. <br />

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